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At a glance

Network penetration testing is the security service aimed at detecting system weaknesses. The vulnerable points identified during network security testing are estimated by experts to realize the scope of exposure risks. By carrying out network penetration tests our security professionals protect clients against external security threats and ensure the smooth running of their network.


Why should companies apply for network security penetration testing?


Network penetration testing allows companies to strengthen the resistance of their network and the connected devices to future attacks. Network penetration tests go far beyond common bug assessments since during this testing option the responsible experts carry out authorized exploits of systems to estimate the level of their protection. The operations carried out by security specialists during network pentesting are the same or similar to the steps taken by malicious actors. 


Our services: How we can help you


Our specialists will instruct you on the scope of network pentesting services and will decide on the network security penetration testing tools that need to be applied to ensure that no bugs remain undetected. We will also instruct you on the measures that will be taken by our experts to avoid causing any unexpected issues to your systems. 


Our services: What you get by applying for network pentesting


Network penetration testing carried out by our specialists allows companies to combine system protection and the smooth running of processes. Security should not be achieved at the cost of efficiency but should rather complement it. Upon getting the reports on the results of network penetration testing companies can develop effective recovery plans so that even when facing attacks on their networks in the future, they can easily address them and avoid huge losses. By applying for network penetration tests companies can demonstrate to regulatory authorities their focus on preventing data breaches and information thefts. Generally, network security testing constitutes an additional argument for regulatory bodies to provide compliance certificates such as GDPR or HIPAA compliance to the company. 


The specialists responsible for performing network security testing also instruct clients on how to fix the detected issues and what steps need to be taken to prevent the occurrence of similar flaws in the future.


Why Hacken?


Hacken is a reputable cybersecurity consulting vendor that is trusted by hundreds of innovative projects and entities from the private and public sectors. Our security team has deep expertise in performing network penetration testing and their high ethical standards have been tested through years. We guarantee the quality of services provided to our clients since the market image is the key asset in our industry.



Network penetration testing provides for simulating an attack against a computer network to reveal flaws that may be potentially exploited by black hackers. The specialists responsible for carrying out network security testing apply identical instruments and methods like the ones used by malicious actors. Hackers are interested only in damaging the targeted system while network pentesting specialists are focused on detecting and documenting weaknesses in clients’ products to allow them to fix these flaws. The forms of network security penetration testing are listed below. It is important to realize that the specialists who perform network penetration testing may combine 2 or more of these forms depending on the nature of the product under test.


External Network Testing

External network testing allows companies to get understanding of the information about the network that may be easily found by a hacker with no prior knowledge to later use it to discover weaknesses in the system. This form of network penetration tests allows companies to protect their networks against internet-based attackers. 

It is typically performed as a black-box test whereby our security specialists try to migrate into the internal networks by exploiting flaws. External network penetration testing allows a company to get information on the vulnerable elements of its systems and the channels of possible information leakages.


Internal Network Testing

An internal network penetration test is the continuation of external inspection since it provides for including insider knowledge. Also, the identification and exploitation of security vulnerabilities take place through basic authorized network access. 

Internal network pentesting is carried out in the form of a white-box test. The key focus of the team performing this type of network penetration testing is made on targeting the weaknesses by exploiting which black hackers can get unauthorized access to information and services. When carrying out this method of network pentesting security engineers target the blocks of which the internal network is made. Internal network testing also encompasses all connected devices that are attached to the network as well as discoverable network-enabled tools.


Wireless Network Testing

Wireless networks are treated as a special case for external and internal network testing. Researchers need to apply special techniques to carry out the exploitation of these networks for accessing the other elements of the internal network. The approaches applied by network pentesting specialists for wireless network testing incorporate the detection of rogue and insufficiently secure access points, vulnerabilities attributable to encryption mechanisms as well as unintended interconnections between segregated networks. 


Configuration Review

Manual review of device configuration constitutes a crucial element of network penetration testing. Our network security testing specialists will perform the manual review of software built standards, patching status, router, switch, and firewall settings as well as operating system hardening. This form of network pentesting allows companies to detect and fix security issues associated with incorrect security settings, unpatched software, and open ports.


Network Penetration Testing Tools

Hacken experts responsible for network penetration testing use different tools to deliver high-quality services to clients. In most cases, they use publicly available software applications to test a network to detect a wide range of network security flaws. Our experts carry out network security testing without damaging the performance of the network under test. 


Network Pentest Checklist

The network penetration testing checklist has been developed by Hacken experts to allow our team responsible for the network pentesting to deliver high-quality and verified test results to clients. The key steps in our network pentesting checklist are:

  • Host Discovery – the approaches to the information gathering process to inform the subsequent testing.
  • Port Scanning – detection of gateways enabling unauthorized access to the network elements.
  • Fingerprinting – detection of known weaknesses by pointing out operating system inputs. 
  • Vulnerability Scanning – detection of software weaknesses and service issues by applying automated tools.
  • Reporting – categorization of identified security flaws based on their severity and the provision of recommendations on how to address them and prevent their occurrence in the future.


  • Why should companies apply for network penetration testing?

    Network penetration testing allows companies to identify weaknesses that may compromise the security of their network and the connected devices. The testing techniques applied by Hacken experts are similar to methods used by hackers to compromise networks but they do not cause any damage to a client.
  • Does a company become eligible for getting security certifications after passing network penetration testing?

    Yes, by passing regular network penetration testing your company can increase its chance to become HIPAA or GDPR compliant since it will demonstrate to regulatory bodies your focus on security.
  • What are the forms of network penetration testing?

    There are generally 3 forms of network penetration testing including internal network penetration testing, external network penetration testing, and wireless network penetration testing. Penetration testing specialists may combine 2 or more forms of network penetration testing to get high-quality results.
  • Does a client face any risks during network penetration testing?

    No, during the network penetration testing our specialists do not cause any damage to the network under test as well as share any data about the process with external parties. Hacken employs only highly-skilled certified security specialists so that we ensure a high-quality of services delivered to clients.

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