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Industry News

  • 10 Jan 2019

    No more privacy: 202 Million private resumes exposed

    On December 28th, Bob Diachenko, Director of Cyber Risk Research at Hacken.io and bug bounty platform HackenProof, analyzed the data stream of BinaryEdge search engine and identified an open and unprotected MongoDB instance: The same IP also appeared in Shodan search results: Upon closer inspection, an 854 GB sized MongoDB database was left unattended, with

  • 27 Dec 2018

    ESET South Africa security lapse

    On December 12th, we identified an unprotected MongoDB instance which appeared to be part of ESET’s cloud infrastructure. An IP with a default MongoDB port was indexed by IoT search engine Shodan and was available for anybody to view, access and edit. A 50GB database contained information relating to ESET’s products distributed by South Africa’s

  • 20 Dec 2018

    New Discovery: Nokia left its cloud environment open, config details exposed

    The company later said it was a testing playground, raising doubts in its statement. Several internal databases, passwords and secret access keys to internal Nokia systems were left unattended on a leaky etcd server. Credentials included  Heketi user and admin passwords, a Redis password, a Weave password, a k8s secret encryption key, a Gluster user

  • 28 Nov 2018

    New Data Breach exposes 57 million records

    A massive 73 GB data breach was discovered during a regular security audit of publicly available servers with the Shodan search engine. Prior to this publication, there were at least 3 IPs with the identical Elasticsearch clusters misconfigured for public access. First IP was indexed by Shodan on November 14th, 2018. An open Elasticsearch instance

  • 22 Nov 2018

    Another ‘decision makers’ database leaked

    These days it’s quite easy for an ordinary person to get the contact details of any business or organization for a certain fee or subscription. However, should seemingly non-sensitive data be so easily available? 123GB of personal data exposed On November 5th, we discovered an open and unprotected MongoDB database, 123GB in size, containing 9,376,173

  • 21 Nov 2018

    Brazilian personal data exposure

    Brazil has always been one of those countries where cybersecurity issues are hard to report. Back in September, we have already reported a big leak by a Brazilian online booking system exposing personal data of almost 500,000 people. The company behind the exposure was really hard to identify and contact, but at the end of

  • 13 Nov 2018

    Children’s charity Kars4Kids leaks info on thousands of donors

    Kars4Kids is a charity that asks people to donate their cars, motorcycles, RVs, and real estate. They are most known for their nationwide advertising using their hypnotic theme song where a child and a Johny Cash impersonator sing the phone number and invites people to donate their cars today. On the 3rd of November, Bob

  • 12 Nov 2018

    Disconnection of the Status Check of the Implementation Environment in the Android Apps

    In the last article, we reviewed OWASP Mobile TOP 10 Methodology for Testing Mobile Apps; that time we could not provide a proper case for demonstrating the need for protecting the source code. Only recently an interesting case appeared and now we are ready to share our experience of the diversion of the status checks

  • 7 Nov 2018

    Inside American Express India cloud storage exposure

    On 23rd October I discovered an unprotected Mongo DB which allowed millions of records to be viewed, edited and accessed by anybody who might have discovered this vulnerability.  The records appeared to be from an American Express branch in India. It is important to note that no special programmes were used and I located these

  • 11 Oct 2018

    FitMetrix exposed millions of customers’ records in a passwordless database

    On October 5th, a member of Hacken security team has been browsing through Shodan looking for exposed Elasticsearch instances which recently could become targets in another spread of ransomware campaigns.

  • 27 Aug 2018

    Atlas Quantum – HACKED

    Yesterday, on August 26th, Have I Been Pwned, a website that identifies breached accounts, informed users that Atlas Quantum, a crypto investment platform, was hacked. Atlas Quantum is a crypto trading platform that allows users to trade on various sites and profit from their automated arbitrage system. Yesterday, the platform was hacked, and the data

  • 23 Jul 2018

    Don’t believe the hype. One of the top 15 crypto exchanges fakes its volume

    Have you ever wondered how it could be possible for the newbie exchanges like BitForex, FCoin, and CoinEx to make it to the TOP-15 by daily trade volume? Not to mention that they have managed to beat Binance, OKex, Huoboi, KuCoin, Kraken, and Upbit. With the help of Crypto Exchange Ranks, we feel like we

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