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At a glance

The popularity of iOS devices is rapidly increasing. Every release of new versions of devices by Apple gives a strong impulse to the market. iOS devices are used by common users as well as managers, top executives, traders, and other individuals who handle large volumes of confidential information and use these devices to transfer assets including digital ones. That is why iOS devices are actively targeted by cybercriminals who use a variety of techniques to compromise users’ security. Thus, the importance of regular iOS application penetration testing performed by professional security vendors should not be underestimated. 


Compared to Android penetration testing, iOS pentesting is less complicated. iOS is a closed-source operating system, and, thus, iOS apps and their updates can be sourced only from a single official source. There are also fewer supported devices when compared to Android.


Hacken’s iOS penetration testing is designed to analyze the security of the iOS version installed on the device under test along with the applications installed on this device. iOS application penetration testing provides for identifying weaknesses the exploitation of which by malicious parties can result in the compromise of the device and any information it holds or any networks to which this device can access. Hacken employs the latest iPhone pentesting tools to deliver high-quality services to clients.


The value of iOS penetration testing


iOS security testing performed by reputable security vendors will allow companies to estimate the security of their applications against common and less widespread security threats. iOS pentesting allows companies to detect such vulnerabilities as insecure communication, injections, insecure direct object references, and other flaws enabling the compromise of the device by malicious actors. iOS application security testing also identifies the weaknesses in data storage through which hackers can steal sensitive information belonging to a user such as bank account details or location information. 


Pentest of iOS apps also allows companies to verify whether controls such as SSL/TLS are properly implemented and, thus, whether they can ensure the integrity and confidentiality of data. During iOS application penetration testing our experts will help you identify the functionalities of your mobile applications that may potentially enable access to users’ sensitive information by other applications or malware. iOS penetration testing also allows you to see whether the authentication and authorization mechanisms of your mobile applications are developed enough to prevent malicious actors from carrying out unauthorized actions in the application. Generally, iOS penetration testing is the most effective method for you to test the security of your iOS applications before hackers try to compromise them.


Our services: How we help companies


Upon getting your request for iOS penetration testing, our team will contact you to clarify all details and outline the mechanism of further cooperation. During iOS application pentesting, our team does not perform any activities without informing customers so that to prevent causing any damage to them and their users. Hacken team fully guarantees that the experts responsible for performing iOS application security testing will follow best practices to point out all weaknesses including minor and major ones the exploitation of which by cybercriminals may cause irreversible consequences for the application’s functionality. Hacken iOS pentesting specialists will not only estimate the level of security of your iOS applications but will also instruct you on possible scenarios to address the revealed issues. Hacken prioritizes delivering high-quality iOS application penetration testing services to businesses and is fully open to feedback and suggestions shared by clients to deliver even better outcomes in the future. 


The value you get by applying for iOS pentesting


Upon passing the iOS penetration testing carried out by Hacken experts, you will be able to show your users that security is your top focus. Pentest of iOS apps helps projects identify what weaknesses may facilitate external attacks so that security specialists can later eliminate them. Therefore, the projects that regularly pass iOS pentesting can prevent both financial and reputational losses that may be experienced by their users as the result of the compromise of the application’s security by malicious actors. iOS security testing performed by our experts will strengthen the competitiveness of your applications since customers tend to trust only those companies that can prove their resistance to security threats. 


Why choose Hacken for iOS application penetration testing


Hacken specialists who perform iOS pentesting have solid expertise of work with the tools operating on iOS. They are the proven leaders in the industry by the quality of iOS app security testing provided to clients and this status is confirmed by numerous feedbacks provided by our clients who have already applied for and passed pentest of their iOS apps. Hacken is a solid brand focused on maintaining a strong reputation in the industry. We strongly realize that the more security flaws we reveal during iOS penetration testing, the higher the chance that malicious actors will not compromise the security of our customers. Satisfied customers are the driver of our progress. Apply for iOS application security testing and leave hackers no chance to achieve their malicious targets. 


Also, by cooperating with Hacken you can test the security of your iOS applications not only within the scope of iOS app penetration testing but also by running bug bounty programs on our professional platform HackenProof. Independent researchers from worldwide will thoroughly analyze the security of your iOS applications to detect vulnerabilities and flows that may lead to data breaches or affect users’ experience. Hacken team is honest in relation to our customers. To ensure the ultimate security for your users when using your iOS applications, you should apply for more than 1 security testing option. iOS app security testing performed by Hacken is your powerful weapon to fight cybercriminals but iOS security testing that is run in parallel with other security testing options is your great chance to beat even the most advanced hackers. 


The iOS pentesting methodology applied by Hacken is focused on 3 pillars including authentication session management testing, input and output manipulation testing, and information leakage tests.


Authentication Session Management

Authentication session management testing performed within the scope of iOS pentesting provides for verifying whether the authentication procedures that are in place in the application correspond to best practices for the type of this application. During this phase of iOS pentesting, our experts check whether the application is compliant with such industry standards as Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS), the Gramm Leach Bliley Act, and the Sarbanes-Oxley Act.


Input and Output Manipulation

Input and output manipulation testing performed within the scope of iOS pentesting provides for checking whether adequate data validation techniques are in place to protect the application against the injections of data into communications aimed at forcing the application to carry out incorrect and unexpected operations initiated by malicious actors. Cybercriminals inject meta-characters into a command string and thereby cause the inadvertent interpretation and execution as a part of the command. Our specialists responsible for iOS application penetration testing will also identify potential vulnerabilities in entry points and detect dangerous library/API calls.


Information Leakage

The information leakage testing stage of the iOS application security testing is aimed at preventing unintentional disclosure of information to end-users. When performing the information leakage testing within the scope of iOS app security testing, our experts will identify weaknesses the exploitation of which by malicious actors may facilitate further brute force attacks on the application. 


  • Does the scope of iOS penetration testing go beyond an iOS device?

    Yes, the scope of iOS penetration testing includes the testing of the security of all applications installed on the device under test. Also, the security specialists identify whether there are any flaws that may cause any damage to the information stored on the device or the networks to which it has access.
  • What types of vulnerabilities can be detected during iOS pentesting?

    Hacken iOS penetration testing specialists detect such vulnerabilities as insecure communication, insecure direct object references, injections, data storage weaknesses, and other flaws by exploiting which hackers can steal users’ data.
  • What are the security risks associated with iOS devices?

    Functionality issues in your iOS devices may allow other applications or even malware to access users’ sensitive information. Also, malicious actors can perform unauthorized actions in the application in case the authorization and authentication mechanisms are not developed enough.
  • What are the competitive advantages of Hacken in iOS pentesting?

    Hacken iOS penetration testing specialists are proven experts in their respective fields with solid professional experience. Hacken specialists pass regular training and the company always checks the quality of work performed by our security testing teams. Also, companies can apply for running a bug bounty program on HackenProof, the bug bounty platform of the Hacken ecosystem.

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