
Hacken has Become a Member of the European Business Association
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Hacken has Become a Member of the European Business Association

At the end of November 2020, Hacken joined the European Business Association (EBA), the organization that brings together more than 1000 leading companies in the Ukrainian market.  Currently, among all members of the European Business Association, only Hacken provides consulting services in the field of cybersecurity. “We value high ethical standards of doing business, respect

15 Dec 2020

OneLedger Appoints Hacken as a Cyber Security Auditor
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OneLedger Appoints Hacken as a Cyber Security Auditor

OneLedger, a Blockchain as a Service (BaaS) company, that uses its own Blockchain technology to support its customer’s blockchain needs, has appointed Hacken as a security auditor to complement the security strategy and provide the highest level of the security for their customers. Under the agreement, Hacken will perform an advanced security code review of

24 Jan 2020

DATA: The Path to a Mature Crypto Industry
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DATA: The Path to a Mature Crypto Industry

It is no secret that the crypto industry is still in its infancy. Lack of governmental regulation and industry rules has created a space for unfair players to use unethical and sometimes fraudulent techniques to gain an advantageous market position. One of the areas of major concern is trading volume numbers that are reported by

13 May 2019

Cooperation With Etherscan
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Cooperation With Etherscan

Collaboration Background Regular observers of crypto news will have noticed that the conditions of the crypto exchange market are continually becoming more and more volatile. Incomprehensible hacks (such as the Cryptopia Exchange), constant cases of exit scams, unexpected closures of seemingly successful projects, suspicious deaths and abnormal crypto assets storage systems (like that of the

7 Apr 2019

Crystal Partnership
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Crystal Partnership

In November, we announced the launch of a special global project, the Transparency Hackers Initiative, that is dedicated to detecting exchanges’ hot and cold wallets and validating exchanges’ total balances. The goal is to determine if crypto exchanges do indeed possess the amount of money they should, according to public statements. We launched this project

19 Feb 2019

CTO Q&A with John Graham-Cumming
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CTO Q&A with John Graham-Cumming

During HackIT 4.0 we had a chance to sit down with John Graham-Cumming, the CTO of Cloudflare, and ask him a few questions. We talked about the bug bounty industry, his impressions of the conference and a few smaller topics. Is this your first time in Ukraine? John: Yes, it is. Although, I have a lot of

31 Jan 2019

HackenProof Interview with @zseano
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HackenProof Interview with @zseano

Recently we had a chance to sit down with zseano, a long-time hacker and the creator of BugBountyNotes (BBN), to ask him a few questions about his hacking experience, thoughts on bug bounty programs and the idea behind BBN. On Hacking Sean, tell us a bit about yourself. Where are you from, where do you

28 Jan 2019

Hacker Q&A with Ebrahim Hegazy
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Hacker Q&A with Ebrahim Hegazy

During Bug Bounty Marathon held by HackenProof and called Hacken Cup, we invited 25 most talented hackers from around the globe to take part in the hackathon. During the event, we interviewed them on different interesting topics including their background, interests, career goals, impressions about the conference and many others. Tell us a little bit

17 Jan 2019

Hacker Q&A with Yassine Aboukir
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Hacker Q&A with Yassine Aboukir

Not that long ago, HackenProof has held an onsite Bug Bounty Marathon called Hacken Cup and invited a group of 25 talented hackers from all over the world to Ukraine to take part in the hackathon. During the event, we have interviewed many of them including security analyst Yassine Aboukir (@yassineaboukir) about his hacking background,

8 Jan 2019

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