crypto exchange

Transaction Fee Mining: a New Way for Exchanges to Profit
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Transaction Fee Mining: a New Way for Exchanges to Profit

The crypto world is amazing and unpredictable. Along with skyrocketing coin prices, we can often observe exchanges suddenly break from the middle of the crowd to the top of the ranks by trade volume. During the last couple of months, the crypto community has witnessed a handful of these success stories. It was difficult not

16 Aug 2018

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The BigONE`s founders, whoever they may be, are positioning their exchange as the most universal and secure cryptocurrency trading platform in the world. In the first year of BigONE`s existence, hacks have not happened yet. Let’s start from the beginning. The domain was registered on June 24, 2017. On January 23, 2018 (the first

2 Aug 2018

Why We Hate Telegram Group Pump (And You Should Too!)
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Why We Hate Telegram Group Pump (And You Should Too!)

How many times have we judged a project only by looking at the size of its telegram group? Poor investments decisions are often made simply because novice crypto investors catch telegram FOMO. If it were to be debated, I think I will be able to conjure up enough arguments to prove Telegram is partly at

1 Aug 2018

Is Making Fake 24/h Trading Volumes The Best Marketing Strategy for Crypto Exchanges?
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Is Making Fake 24/h Trading Volumes The Best Marketing Strategy for Crypto Exchanges?

The whole crypto community recently saw a tremendous success of some newcomers on the crypto exchange market. BitForex, FCoin, and CoinEx managed to break into the CoinMarketCap list of TOP-10 exchanges by daily trade volume. Despite their young age, they have almost overtaken renowned crypto exchange titans such as Binance, OKex and Huobi. Further, they

16 Jul 2018

Types of Cryptocurrency Wallets and Their Overall Security Aspect
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Types of Cryptocurrency Wallets and Their Overall Security Aspect

A cryptocurrency wallet is a software application that stores private and public keys, giving a user access to their crypto funds on the blockchain. To put it simply, if you want to trade Bitcoin or any other cryptocurrencies, a digital wallet is a prerequisite to begin. A common misconception about cryptocurrency wallets is that they

6 Jul 2018

Decentralized vs Centralized Exchanges: Advantages and Disadvantages
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Decentralized vs Centralized Exchanges: Advantages and Disadvantages

11 Jun 2018

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