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Announcing a Crypto Exchanges Roundtable at HackIT
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Announcing a Crypto Exchanges Roundtable at HackIT

Who’s Going to Participate? Members of the roundtable are going to include the following crypto exchanges: Bexam, EXMO, BTC Alpha, Kuna,, and Crystal. Moreover, the roundtable will be joined by cybersecurity specialists and other market participants. The panel will be moderated by the CEO and Co-founder of Hacken, Dmytro Budorin. What Are The Main

5 Oct 2018

Magic Trading Volume: the Case of
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Magic Trading Volume: the Case of

Recently, one prominent “unfair player” on the crypto exchange market — a Chinese exchange called, ranked 7th on the global TOP list by Coin Market Cap (CMC,) grabbed the attention of the CER team., a cryptocurrency exchange, first appeared in November 2017 as part of the wave of global crypto awareness. After the

27 Sep 2018

What is the Effect of listing scam coins?
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What is the Effect of listing scam coins?

Crypto exchanges are the fundamental institutions in the crypto economy.  Thus, they must filter all the scam projects not to endanger investors that trade on them. If an exchange does not do so, it would experience a negative effect on its reputation and operation processes. The more scam coins an exchange lists, the more notorious

20 Sep 2018

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WASH TRADE — THE MOST POPULAR METHOD OF TRADE VOLUME MANIPULATION The fundamental institutions within the industry, TOP crypto exchanges, contribute to the negative image of the blockchain industry by manipulating the trade volume via Wash Trade. Wash trade is a form of market manipulation in which an investor or institution simultaneously sells and buys

11 Sep 2018

Fake Volume (Wash Trade) Investigation into Binance, OKex, HuobiPro, HitBTC, Bittrex, Poloniex and KuCoin. Vol.1
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Fake Volume (Wash Trade) Investigation into Binance, OKex, HuobiPro, HitBTC, Bittrex, Poloniex and KuCoin. Vol.1

INTRODUCTION The crypto industry is developing rapidly now due to the high utility potential of the blockchain technology and the opportunity to ensure transparency and fairness of financial market, politics, and business. The most obvious outcome of blockchain progress is the evolution of the traditional financial markets. However, there are some barriers that can hinder

3 Sep 2018

Research: is Transaction-Fee Mining a New Ponzi Scheme?
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Research: is Transaction-Fee Mining a New Ponzi Scheme?

Before we begin, we’d like to state that this is a short version of the report. A full report is available on the CER’s blog here. Introduction The crypto world is amazing and unpredictable. Along with skyrocketing coin prices, we can often observe exchanges suddenly break from the middle of the crowd to the top

22 Aug 2018

Transaction Fee Mining: a New Way for Exchanges to Profit
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Transaction Fee Mining: a New Way for Exchanges to Profit

The crypto world is amazing and unpredictable. Along with skyrocketing coin prices, we can often observe exchanges suddenly break from the middle of the crowd to the top of the ranks by trade volume. During the last couple of months, the crypto community has witnessed a handful of these success stories. It was difficult not

16 Aug 2018

Introduction to the Trading RTD
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Introduction to the Trading RTD

List view widget The List view widget displays the last bid/ask quotes and prices of the most recent transactions. When you look at it first, the widget resembles a common Market Watch. However, it is much more than that — it gathers information from different crypto exchanges across different currency pairs, which saves you a

6 Aug 2018

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The BigONE`s founders, whoever they may be, are positioning their exchange as the most universal and secure cryptocurrency trading platform in the world. In the first year of BigONE`s existence, hacks have not happened yet. Let’s start from the beginning. The domain was registered on June 24, 2017. On January 23, 2018 (the first

2 Aug 2018

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