
Phishing Facts And Statistics, Or 10 Reasons Why Anti-Phishing is Important
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Phishing Facts And Statistics, Or 10 Reasons Why Anti-Phishing is Important

Whether you are a small business or a large enterprise, you may be a phisher’s next target. An organization that succumbs to such an attack usually suffers from serious financial losses in addition to reducing market share, reputation, and consumers’ loyalty. Phishing is an attempt to get confidential data from a company by posing as

1 Nov 2018

How Sensitive is Your Non-Sensitive Data
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How Sensitive is Your Non-Sensitive Data

In today’s digital world keeping private data like emails, phone numbers, names, addresses or IPs secure from theft or vulnerability is not as easy as putting a lock on a door. With the ability to share, store and transmit sensitive data across computer systems we have created another problem. Even taking all the precautions doesn’t

31 Oct 2018

How to Protect Your Business from Hackers who Exploit ERP Vulnerabilities
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How to Protect Your Business from Hackers who Exploit ERP Vulnerabilities

Every company nowadays uses a variety of enterprise applications to enable employees to perform their duties. These applications include ERP, CRM, file sharing, and other tools. Often, business applications are targeted by cybercriminals. One unprotected vulnerability opens up opportunities for serious cyber attacks. As a result, the offender can get access to financial instruments, confidential

26 Oct 2018

More than just a Data Breach: a Democratic Fundraising Firm Exposure
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More than just a Data Breach: a Democratic Fundraising Firm Exposure

On October 17, a member of Hacken cyber risk security team found an unprotected instance in Buffalo TeraStation NAS.

24 Oct 2018

FitMetrix exposed millions of customers’ records in a passwordless database
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FitMetrix exposed millions of customers’ records in a passwordless database

On October 5th, a member of Hacken security team has been browsing through Shodan looking for exposed Elasticsearch instances which recently could become targets in another spread of ransomware campaigns.

11 Oct 2018

A Garmin-owned navigation company inadvertently exposed customer information
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A Garmin-owned navigation company inadvertently exposed customer information

Navionics, an Italian electronic marine navigation charts company that was recently acquired by Garmin, inadvertently exposed a 19GB product and customer database as a result of MongoDB misconfiguration incident.

8 Oct 2018

Dangers of Laravel Debug Mode Enabled
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Dangers of Laravel Debug Mode Enabled

We have spent the last couple of weeks researching Laravel, a popular open-source PHP framework intended for the development of web applications. Like many similar frameworks it includes a debug mode with a special interface, allowing developers to view the internal state of network connections for the purpose of identifying errors and misconfigurations, before going

4 Oct 2018

An Interview with Bob Diachenko,  Hacken’s Director of Cyber Risk Research
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An Interview with Bob Diachenko, Hacken’s Director of Cyber Risk Research

This week, on October 1st, Hacken welcomed our new Director of Cyber Risk Research, Bob Diachenko, to the ranks. Bob has a long history of working in public relations and product communications with a proven track of record in infosec. Previously he served as Head of Communications at Kromtech Alliance Corp.We sat down with Bob

3 Oct 2018

Hacken audited smart contract of PumaPay
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Hacken audited smart contract of PumaPay

Company Name: PumaPayCompany Description: billing infrastructure for flexible payment on the blockchain.Service: Smart Contract Audit “Since the day we had started development of the PumaPay PullPayment Protocol, we knew that security would always be our top priority. We chose Hacken as one of our security partners for the audit and were impressed by their professionalism

1 Oct 2018

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