Top-5 Predictions for the Future of Blockchain from Cybersecurity Experts
Crypto trends dictate these 5 predictions for future. Cryptographic techniques will restore digital trust in Web3.
Crypto trends dictate these 5 predictions for future. Cryptographic techniques will restore digital trust in Web3.
Brief overview of the incident On 11 November 2021, the biggest cryptocurrency exchange Binance reported to its users on the issue related to DOGE network withdrawals that took place the previous day. After the network update, the previously failed withdrawals got resent. Binance also informed its users that DOGE network withdrawals would be suspended for
The internet revolution has presented the world with Web3, the third iteration of a constantly evolving ecosystem. Also known as decentralized web, Web3 ecosystems are designed to replace centralized infrastructure and allow every user to maintain complete control over the data, irrespective of whether they are interacting with an application or another user. The Web3
Crypto exchanges are lucrative targets for hackers. Find about vulnerabilities, threats, and ways exchanges protect your assets.
It’s natural for cryptocurrency traders to be concerned about the cybersecurity of their favorite crypto exchanges. The crypto scene’s track record of hacks is particularly alarming, considering the enormous $850 million stolen from exchanges in 2018 and already $219 million hacked in 2019 so far. Recent cybertheft victims include DragonEx ($7 million), CoinBene ($105 million),
Transparency As the price of Bitcoin rises and the crypto world continues to evolve, the crypto exchange industry still lacks maturity and transparency. Striving to add valuable contributions to the development of the exchange industry, the Crypto Exchange Ranks (CER) team has been continuously analyzing, investigating, and reporting on malpractices and manipulation cases for over
Multi-million and billion dollar daily trade volumes fueled the confidence of the community in the inevitable prosperity and bright future for the crypto economy. Unfortunately, we were wrong… 10 years ago, Bitcoin changed the world, becoming the first cryptocurrency to carry out fast, secure and cheap peer to peer transactions without intermediaries and across borders.
We frequently notice some exchanges coming from nowhere and reaching the top of the CMC rating almost immediately after their appearance. A striking illustration of such a situation is the Bitinka ‘success’ case (see Fig. 1)By reporting huge daily trading volumes, these exchanges easily and rapidly become first in line ahead of well-known crypto exchange
“The Exchange Suffered A Security Breach” is a statement that makes the heart beat faster. There has never been a day when this phrase brought positive connotations because it always means hacks, data leakage, and the considerable loss of money. On January 15, 2018, such a phrase was published on Cryptopia, a New Zealand crypto